A Little Help Can Make A Big Change.

Come help at the farm to help us fulfil our dreams. you are an important person for our cause. please join the countless of others like you who joined to make a big difference by helping.

The most impactful way to give

Monthly donations and sponsoring a big project such as a salaries are the most effective way to make a difference. The ongoing support of monthly donations help us ensure that we feed the animals with nutritious feed and can act quickly to provided services to the most needy. Food Stamp recipients will receive 20% off the price because of reliable monthly donations.

Sign up as feeding volunteer

We rely on people like you to feed the animals during morning and evening. we don't have staff. morning feed takes about an hour and evening can take up to three hours.

Sponsor a family

We help underprivileged families work towards self-sufficient

Matching gifts

Your company may have programs where they will match the charitable contributions you made. multiple your contribution by asking your employer to match your donation.

Your contribution creates smile

We do whatever it takes to take care of goats and people. Your time and donations will help us put smiles on so many faces.

Wondering about Utah Refugee Goats? About Us..

Help us feed the goats and Chicken

Buy the products in our Amazon Wishlist or give monetary gift

Analyze Impact

We meet to Analyze the impact of your contribution.

Life-Skills for Children

Children from all walks of life are welcome to learn needed life skills such as holding and using hand tools.

Environmental stewards

Help them sustain the environment they will inherit for better air quality and water conservation.

Community Engagement

Help us create opportunities for the youth, by encouraging them to participate in the society.

Help us help them fulfill their dreams

Practical Skills

We give children practical skills to give them a purpose to live.

Rain and shine we welcome groups and individuals, come join us take care of goats.

URG is a non profit organization EIN 86-2542522


Contact Us

Mon-Fri: 9AM-dusk

Sat & Sun: by appointment only.

Visiting the farm is by appointment only on all hours.

6664 West 1400 North Salt Lake City, UT 84116


© 2024 Utah Refugee Goats - All Rights Reserved.